The vast majority of the Jewish community in Turkey (currently estimated at around 26.000 people) lives in Istanbul. This is only a fraction of the 500.000 Jews that once lived in Istanbul during the Ottoman Empire -- a time when Jews and Christians made up 40% of Istanbul's population. Read on for a short history about the Jewish community and an overview of notable synagogues … [Read more...]
Do You Know These Istanbul Shopping Secrets?
Are you one of those who are sick of visiting the same international brand stores in every city? I am sure finding a local designer store hidden somewhere in the city would charm right away. Well, you cannot imagine how many requests we get from visitors asking "Where do you shop?" or "Can you please name a few local designers in Istanbul?" So I came up with this post to share … [Read more...]
Where to See the Whirling Dervishes in Istanbul?
Last updated: July 31, 2023 The best place to witness the Whirling Dervishes is of course in Konya, where the Mevlevi order (tarikat) was founded in the 13th century. But also in Istanbul, you have plenty of opportunities to see the Dervishes whirl. And because of the many choices, visitors often ask me: "What is the best place to watch a Whirling Dervishes performance, and … [Read more...]
What To Expect When Visiting a Turkish Bath or Hamam?
Last updated: January 10, 2022 Before you can decide whether you hate or love going to a Turkish bath or hamam, you need to experience it at least once. If it's your first visit to a hamam, entering a Turkish bath can be a daunting experience. By describing my last visit to the Çemberlitaş Hamamı, you will get a nice impression of the Turkish bath process and customs, … [Read more...]
Things You Did Not Know About Turkish Hamams
I always hear mixed reviews of historical hamams. Some love it, some hate it. So it is usually very risky to recommend one. The rule of thumb is that luxury hotel hamams are pricey but better serviced, while historical hamams are cheaper and lesser serviced. But there are of course exceptions. You have probably read tons of info about Turkish Hamams in your guidebooks. I will … [Read more...]